Meet the Horses!
The horses at the Funny Farm are all privately owned. We have 3 horses and 6 ponies. The difference between a horse and a pony is their size. With almost 5 acres for the herd to freely roam on 3 different footing terrains Id say our equine are very happy with their home here on the island. Each horse has their own unique personality and role it plays in the herd. Can you pick a favorite from the line-up below?
Breed: Hanoverian Warmblood
Born: 1993
Color: Bay
Mary is a very special horse. She is a gentle giant who has had many successful years as a show jumping horse. She has been in our family since she was 6 years old, and holds a special place in our hearts. Her show name was "Ferrari" because she loved to go fast, and could obliterate the competition with her speed and her huge heart. She has been a teacher to all and is loved by many. Although mostly retired, she loves being groomed, hand walked and will accept treats from anyone!
Saffron, AKA "Safi"
Breed: Warmblood/Lusitano cross
Born: April 11, 2012
Color: Buckskin
Safi is the daughter of our beloved Mary, and packs a lot of spirit. She is very sensitive and enjoys developing a quality relationship with the person who rides her. The longer you know her the better she is for you. Wait for her come to you, develop a relationship, and she will live in your back pocket. She is a lovely balanced ride and will teach every rider a great deal about understanding the importance of paying attention to a horse's body language on the ground and in the herd.
Breed: Welsh Section B
Born: 4/25/2004
Color: Roan
We call Mr. Pye the "Scientist" - you will often find him camped out somewhere under a tree studying his surroundings, or bossing one of his herd mates around if there's fresh hay. Pye has done it all - from barrel racing, endurance rides, and neck reigning, to hunters, eventing, and dressage. He is a very fun ride, and a very well balanced pony. He will challenge you to take charge but if you work hard, he is an amazing teacher who will advance your riding a great deal.
Breed: Canadian Warmblood
Born: June 2, 2017
Color: Bay
Gordon is a curious and playful young gelding. He is a tag along and will follow just about anything. You will often find him nibbling the necks of his herd or racing them around the track. He has big energy and can make anyone smile at his goofy personality. Gordon joined our family in winter 2021 and we just love him!
Breed: Gypsy Vanner
Born: 2009
Color: Tobiano
We call Clover our magic pony! She is our go to for beginners. She is trustworthy, stoic, determined, sensitive and an all around wonderful teacher. With her long, flowing mane and her signature mustache she is a barn favorite. Clover loves cookies, being in charge of her herd and all people. She came to us from Ohio in 2014 and will be with us until the end!
Breed: Welsh Section "D"
Born: 7/21/2007
Color: Bay, White Stripe and four White socks
Bowie came from England by way of Vermont. She is very much our proper English pony. With her prancy trot, big stride, and rocking horse canter, Bowie is such a fun pony to ride. She is very smart, and rides like a horse when you get her into a frame. She has competed in hunter paces very successfully as well. Although very sweet tempered this little gem has less than stellar manners in the cross ties, but we love her no matter what!
Breed: Warmblood
Born: 2008
Color: Chestnut, White stripe and four White socks
Apollo is one of the two geldings in our herd. He is very social, does not like being stalled, and is really eager to please. We call him a bird brain, as he can be very anxious and needs reassurance often. Apollo is definitely a horse who is more "GO than WHOA" - which means he is typically an intermediate/advanced ride, but has also been successful with our older "beginners" as they are working mostly in the walk and trot. He is the biggest horse on the farm, long and tall. He's extremely well balanced, and an excellent horse to teach his riders how to find a solid leg-hand connection with their horse.
Breed: Fell Pony
Born: 6/6/2016
Color: Grey for now, white for later
Comet came to us from Middlesex, Vermont where she was born on a farm owned by Jeni's sister. She is the daughter of a fell pony named Luna, who was also shipped over from England. Comet loves to go fast - when doing something she wants to do. She is very smart, loves to flip things over, cause trouble, and get trained with cookies. She is eager and willing. We believe her role in the lesson program will continue to grow. She is very sweet and cute, but be careful, she will easily tempt you to open her stall door and be a part of her great escape to the clover fields!
Breed: Fell Pony
Born: 5/24/2012
Color: Bay
Bracken was shipped here from England pregnant with another member of our herd, Zara. You will often find Bracken "cleaning up" in the far corner feeders on the track, she hates wasting food. Every herd has a pecking order, and Bracken definitely falls towards the bottom. She likes to keep to herself and her favorite humans. She is a very special breed of English ridden pony, characterized by her long flowing mane, "feathers" (the long hair on her lower legs), and small stature. They are one of the Queen of England's favorite breeds! We call her "the couch" because she is so smooth to ride it feels like you are on a big comfy couch. She is a lovely mare, and great beginner ride.
Dhalia, AKA Dhali
Breed: Welsh Section "B"
Born: 2015
Color: Black, White Star and two White socks
Dahli is a lovely young pony with a great foundation, and we are very excited about her addition. Although the smallest member of our herd, she packs a mighty punch. On her third day at the farm she cleared a 4 foot 3 inch fence to escape conflict with a herd member! She is extremely athletic, has automatic lead changes 50% of the time and incredible potential. She moves beautifully in every gait, and jumps with her knees to her nose. She is going to be a wonderful teacher and we are excited for her future at the Funny Farm.
Breed: Fell Pony
Born: 3/15/2018
Color: Bay
Zara has spent the first 2 3/4 years of her life getting away with just about anything: eating whenever and wherever she wants, and changing besties on a daily basis with no issues. She is loaded with personality, curious, eager and looks EXACTLY like her mom, Bracken. She is the first baby to be born on the farm. She made her debut in the middle of the day, middle of the pasture within full view of the walking path South of the farm. It was quite the show. Zara will be leaving us for the few years on a breed lease with a trainer down in Oregon. She will return trained under saddle under amazing care while she is gone. In exchange, she will have a few babies. We look forward to welcoming her back into our herd sometime in 2024 when she is old enough to be a part of the lesson program.
Breed: Connemara Pony
Born: 2/14/2019
Color: Buckskin
There's new pony on the Funny Farm and she's bringing all the sugar and the spice. Meet Pacari our spunky little buckskin that is full of energy and ready to ride and love on!